Worldhotel Ripa Roma

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About This Project

Trastevere is one of the most lively and picturesque area of ​​Rome. And, here there is the Worldhotel Ripa Roma.

With its 199 rooms, this design hotel can offer a unique space, where each element creates exclusive and welcoming environments.

The meticulous attention to details characterized also a specific lighting project that is completed with the elegance of Ave’s product. The “44 moulded” plates of DOMUS Touch Series surround switches and sockets with a linear, shiny and clear aesthetics. White colour predominates in the environment and it’s also repeated on the plates and room card readers.

Design and advanced technology come together: Ave is a style choice. Simply inserting the card into the reader, the guest can use all his room’s services, while the property ensures a system that limits energy waste in his absence.

The aesthetics of “44 moulded” plates integrate accurately into the rooms of Worldhotel Ripa Roma. The technological Ave’s improvements accompany guests to a pleasant stay, always up to expectations whose wants simply the best.

DOMUS 44, Tecnopolimero 44

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