Residence Garnì Borgo San Nazzaro

Borgo San Nazzaro 1 Borgo San Nazzaro 3 Borgo San Nazzaro 3 Borgo San Nazzaro 5 Borgo San Nazzaro 7 Borgo San Nazzaro 8 Borgo San Nazzaro 9

About This Project

Borgo San Nazzaro proposes the most advanced technological solutions to offer a unique welcome to its guests. The modern furniture of rooms and apartments combines with every comforts.

AVE’s hotel management system DOMINA Hotel intervenes in order to support the hotelier and to ensure the best guest’s service. From the reception, the operator can supervise in real time the employment status of the rooms and apartments, and manage the connected devices in a few simple clicks. Thanks to the card readers, guests can enter in their room and access to room’s facilities, easily and securely. In their absence, the connected loads will be disconnected avoiding energy wastes and the risk of short circuits.

Residence Garnì Borgo San Nazzaro chooses AVE also for electrical system. It selected the AVE’s Wiring Accessories Series Domus Touch in combination with white front plates Moulded 44. Switches, sockets, thermostats and the same card readers become part of a well-ordered project that increases the pleasure of the stay.

DOMUS 44, Tecnopolimero 44

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