DOMINA Hotel: temperature control

DOMINA Hotel: temperature control

In a hotel coexist multiple related needs both of users and structure. Among these, the temperature control emerges for importance. Being able to set up, manage or automate this control means to ensure an optimal service for guests and takes advantage of lower costs and a more efficient management.

Thanks to its technology, DOMINA Hotel is able to govern every single thermal zone satisfying each need. Simply inserting the card into the internal reader, the guest is able to regulate autonomously the temperature inside the room setting the desired degree through the special hotel automation thermostat that do the function of local control interacting with the heating and cooling systems.

The advanced DOMINA Hotel system allows the property to automatically manage the heating and air-conditioning for each room and common room placed inside its hotel. In addition to performing the function of the local control panel, the thermostats also perform the function of a probe for detecting the temperature in the environment where they were installed. The thermostats are also able to communicate with other devices such as the room control unit, the external reader, the internal one and the programmer card MIFARE®.

Depending on how they are installed and configured, the thermostats can operate in stand-alone mode or connect to the network allowing the ability to handle the temperature directly from the reception PC or an automatic management by system.

The hotel management software designed by AVE is able to recognize the absence of guests as well as the presence of open windows in order to amend the temperature on one of three set levels and minimize energy waste, that is one of the biggest problems of all the hotels.


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