Bed & Breakfast Maso Santa Lucia

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About This Project

Maso Santa Lucia is the perfect location for those who want to live an open air experience while enjoying the comfort. Thanks to Ave the structure meets the perfect combination of functionality, aesthetics and practicality, either for guests and the property.

Besides the agritourism, this property is offering a Bed & Breakfast service to those who want to dedicate themselves some time out from the daily routine. To embellish any control point, Maso Santa Lucia has thus chosen to rely on elegant Ave “44 moulded” front plates that match perfectly with the refined material of wood and stone that cover these structure.

To enter the rooms, the B&B is equipped with special card readers, devices that are fully integrated with the rest of the electrical wiring and ensure maximum safety for the building and ease of use for customers.

Surrounded by greenery and quietness of the Trentino countryside, the Maso Santa Lucia is the optimal choice for a holiday in touch with nature. Thanks to the Ave products, this property is equipped with a solution that manages to combine perfectly form and function, offering its guests all they need to spend their time of relaxation and comfort.


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